Dota 2 gameplay

Dota 2 is like DotA's first launch strategy game developed by Valve, one of the game maker Left 4 Dead, and Half - Life.Currently, DotA 2 is a closed beta mode so that the valve that can work out any kinks. Dota 2 companies create excitement Dota tournament by throwing $ 1 million this year.

How To Play dota 2
The purpose of DotA is to destroy the opponents base 2 in a team of five players. If you are a fan of dota warcraft, League of Legent and Heroes Neweth sure you understand the concept of the game. Should you know that the Sentinel side has been renamed to The Radiant while the Scourge side was renamed to The Dire.

You take the role of hero to destroy the opponents base. Currently, available heroes in dota version 2 as much as 47 heroes. Hero is in control through right-mouse click and each of them has access to four abilities that can be used as keyboard keys Q, W, E, and R or the other.

In addition there is also the hero of items available in the game. Many items in dota 2 combined with each other to become stronger. Some items are on the mark type: Strength, Agility, and Intelligence is to distinguish which items are not to be the best at their respective heroes. Each type of hero has weaknesses and strengths of each. Hero in this game if you die then, it will lose a large amount of money. 


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